Camden town. Every house has sth :)
So my life goes on as usual, nothing important, new or interesting happening, but I still want to keep updating you with what I see and feel.
During my trip to Bath I ripped off the crown of my watch (again) and it seems I will have to wait until I come back to LT to fix that, as they wanted to charge me 40pound for that (got it for 4pound back home). Unexpectedly I saw another watch on sale, not so expensive and very nice and comfy and with the crown protected so I wont rip it off during my next journey :) of course I bought it, what you think! Couldn't keep myself from bragging :P :DD really, a watch is such a necessary and comfy thing! will still keep and fix the other one for more official occasions :)
What else... ah, been in Camden town again. It's like a little Amsterdam in London. With a proper channel, loads of alternative ppl and alternative shops and all so nice with reggae around.
Oh, and I've just bought tickets to the south coast this weekend and got a host there already!!! Celtic sea, here I come! :)
So that's it this time, write you soon about the seaside trip!

Just a typical Central South London... All these cars are London taxis - they all are like that. Some have ads on them but the ads are really stylish and goes with the car design :)
My left hand updated :)

That's where I hopefully will be this weekend!

Camden channel
Camden town