Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring is in the air!

Natural History Museum

Hey hello!

Maybe some of you, especially Lithuanians, will find it hard to believe what I say, but it is totally and surely spring in here! I felt it since i came back after xmas (6th of Jan), but I thought the feeling is due to the sudden temperature change. But soon I also felt that it really is spring, that violets and pussy-willow (kačiukai) would blossom if they were around. And really, I noticed buds on some trees and now they are opening! There are days when you would take your jacket off...

The other thing is that I started going to the museums. yes, you would not believe that, but these museums are nothing like what you would expect a museum to be... Not only big in size, beautiful, free, but so modern and interesting, they would grasp your attention by accurate images, hifi sounds, moving shapes, interactive pictures,... I went there on Fridays, with the little one she was very excited too :)

And a little everyday thing - we made chocolate muffins with the boy (he loves cooking). Except we didn't put eggs and it turned out brilliant!! He said they're the best muffins ever :)

NHM interior

Victoria and Albert Museum courtyard


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