Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eastbourne: The place for old people

Museum in Eastbourne

The last weekend of August was a long weekend as the Monday was off as well. That's when Noting Hill carnival takes place. But on Saturday we decided to go to Eastbourne with my classmate Virga :)

Eastbourne is not far from Brighton, it is situated on the same beautiful coast. We went to see it for a bit and had a walk in the city. There is a joke that average age of the population there is 75 and it really feels like truth :)) everything around there reminds of old age: a competition for veteran sportsmen, old ladies' style knitwear shops, boules clubs, wheelchair accessibility everywhere, even the museum says "how WE lived them" - normally a museum would show other people in the past lived, right? And there people go to the museum to remember about their days :)))

Sunday morning was all so bright and sunny, but we headed back to London for Noting Hill.

Beachy Head

Eastbourne pier. Full or arcade games. Yuck.


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