Saturday, September 18, 2010

First days: checking the healthcare system

Let's start from the beginning. Just before leaving for the airport I fell and hurt my big toe badly. At the time I reached the airport I didnt feel like wearing my shoe anymore, as the foot was swollen... So I made all my way through the checkpoints, plane, checkpoints again, to the city, to the house...with one shoe on and bringing all the luggage while barely able to walk at all. I was thinking that the toe might be broken...

I was lucky to have sb to meet me and take me home and help me to get to the hospital (it was such a long way... it was pretty late, 9pm, and not all the emergency points were working). So when we finally arrived there and filled in a form, the nurse said that here is a huge queue and we better get back in the morning. Couldnt believe that, in Lithuania in such case you would get help immediately... We decided to wait anyways and got registered at the reception. Didnt have to wait a lot, in half an hour or so got to see a doctor who apologised for not being able to pronounce my surname :DD then got an xray, and whoohoo, its not broken. Just twisted or sth. I can and should walk to make it better quick.

Got home totally exhausted and fell asleep. Now the sun is shining and the area is nice...

The city is so colorful, so many nationalities, ethnicities, many ppl are wearing their traditional clothes, speaking their languages. Already heard Lithuanian twice, also Russian, Spanish, French and some unknown Asian and African languages.

I attach a view from my window where I am staying and a pic from the hospital.

On Saturday I had an interview for a nanny's position in a German architects' family. Really liked them and the place and the kids... they said they got about 180 applications and they are interviewing about 6 girls for the position, so there is some competition... They will let me know on Monday if they are employing me.

Ok I guess that's it for today, going to have a walk or sth, see u soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey:) How's your toe and what's the end with nanny's story? Justinas
